
3d toolkit including vectors and matrices arithmetic, fetching data from Quake's 2/3 files, memory management and more

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Gcad 3D Toolkit


This repository implements mathematical objects and functions commonly used in 3D computations - objects such as vectors and matrices. It also includes classes able to fetch the data from MD2 and MD3 Quake format - its mesh vertices, normals, uv texture coordinates etc.


This is an old code of mine written in C++ (C++98) while being a student over 15 years ago (the time of writing these words - 2020). This project introduced me to the semantics and syntax of the language. It also helped me to get the overall gist of programming paradigms and its best practices.

Because many years have gone by, I don't know if it will work or even compile as I'm not sure how much of it survived the ravages of time, being copied and shuffled from one CD to another. Moreover I don't remember in what state the project was in when it was abandoned just before starting my first job.

I've tried to make sense of the remaining scatterings of code that were waiting to be rediscovered. This repository was put together to my best abilities, but in spite of that I'm fully aware that some parts of the code are missing - I judge it from the state of directories on my CD. It seems that this project was slowly transitioning into becoming some sort of a "game engine".

It is still a piece of code that I'm proud of and I'm really happy that after so many years it can finally rest in... github

Copyright and License

Copyright 2005-2020 Rixment. Code released under the MIT license.