
Minimal keyring CLI utility for local key/password storage and management.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


keyring: Minimal CLI utility for local key/password storage and management

A minimal keyring command-line interface (CLI) utility for local key storage and management. keyring aims to be as simple and minimalist as possible while keeping keys and passwords secure. Its features include:

  • AES symmetric encryption. keyring uses AES-GCM-256 (AES using Galois/Counter mode with a 256-bit public key) to encrypt and decrypt the stored secrets.
  • PBKDF2. keyring uses the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 algorithm to derive the AES encryption/decryption public key for each secret from a previously established master secret.
  • Simple storage format. Each secret in the keyring vault is stored in its own separate file in YAML format under the keyring/vault folder, which can be easily backed up or version controlled using Git.
  • Clipboard management. When revealing a secret from the vault it can optionally be copied to the clipboard, which is cleared after a given timeout.
  • Random string generator. keyring has an integrated random string generator, useful for generating strong random passwords.

Note keyring is currently a proof of concept under development and therefore it should not be used to store critical keys and passwords. Use at your own risk. You've been warned.


keyring <operation> [<options>...]

where operation either init, insert or reveal. Each of them is detailed below.

Note One can get specific help for each operation as keyring help <operation>. Running keyring help gives a general help message for keyring.

Initializing the keyring vault

A keyring vault must be initialized before storing any secrets in it. The vault is just a folder where the files containing the encrypted secrets are kept. Initialization is performed as keyring init. This will ask for a master secret to be entered, which is needed to afterwards unlock the vault each time an operation is performed on the keyring (for instance, revealing a stored secret).

Inserting a secret into the vault

keyring insert <secret_name> [-i|--input] is used to insert a secret into the vault, which will be identified as secret_name. By default, a random string is generated and saved as the secret. However, this behaviour can be overriden by specifying the -i option. This way, the secret will be entered as stdin.

As secrets are stored as YAML files, additional metadata can be attached to them (for instance, emails, usernames, etc.).

Revealing a secret from the vault

A secret can be revealed with keyring reveal <secret_name> [-c|--clipboard [-s|--seconds <secs>]], where secret_name is the secret identification. If the -c option is given, the secret will be copied to the clipboard, which is cleared after secs (default: 30) seconds if the -s option is provided, instead of being printed to stdout. Note that the-s option has no effect if -c is omitted.


As of now, keyring only supports local installation. After cloning the repo, run mix deps.get followed by mix escript.build to install the required dependencies and compile keyring, respectively. Then the keyring CLI can be used globally by adding the cloned repo folder to the Path accordingly to your operating system.


keyring depends on the Plug.Crypto and OK libraries for the PBKDF2 crytographic function implementation and better error handling, respectively.

Also, an Elixir version compiled with, at least, Erlang/OTP 24 is needed.


keyring is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. A copy of the license can be found along with the code.