omxpocket about omxpocket is a wrapper for omxplayer which automagically scales down a video toward the bottom-right hand corner of your monitor. this program takes all the guesswork of having to calculate the correct proportions when scaling a video down from fullscreen. that way, you can watch a movie and work at the same time! dependancies omxplayer is required since its program being wrapped. xdpyinfo is also required but should already be an available resource. exiftool is also required for the purposes of collecting video dimension info so that you don't need to enter these in manually. how to use assuming you have the following dependancies installed, go ahead and download or clone this program to any local folder. once downloaded, navigate to where '' is located and execute: `chmod +x *.sh` create a bash alias for this program or add to $PATH, that way you need only execute 'omxpocket' when in your video folder. lastly, navigate to your video file (mp4 or mkv at this time) and simply execute 'omxpocket'. do not add the movie file extensions! the program already looks for that. further help find me on github if there are any questions. enjoy! Rix
an omxplayer wrapper that scales-down a video to the corner of your screen!