
Application in node.js which calls events as per configuration provided, maintains logs and gives analysis of last N minutes of logs required.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Functionality of each file are described as follows:

config.json - config file which has input parameter rate_of_event, value of last N minutes for which analysis is to be done

index.js - main file which takes input parameter, loops for calling events as per rate mentioned,

output.log - events called get stored in this file along with tracking Id and timestamp. The loop is called after every 1 second of time

input.json - stores event type, event details, tracking ID and tracking ID details.

analytics.js - will give you analysis of last N minutes of the logs

The main file index.js randomly assigns tracking Id to 3 different types of events at the rate mentioned in config.json file. For example: 100 event calls per second. The function to call events is triggered every second and the details for different types of function and 10 different tracking IDs is mentioned in input.json. Timestamp is also assigned to each event triggered which is helpful in log analysis.

Analysis file analytics.js analysises last N minutes logs ( N is configured in config.json) and gives analytics for each event by giving details about (Total Event Captured and No. of event calls by particular tracking Id) per Event type.

For example: Data captured for any event type, would have a summary of last five minutes, something like - signup = {totalEventsCaptured: 50, eventsCapturedByTrackingIds:{trackingIdA: 10, trackingIdB: 20, trackingIdC: 20}}

Steps for Running the App

  • Replace output.log content with this line for getting your own log


  • Run index.js for calling the functions

  • Run analytics.js for getting the analytics

Analytics Output Screenshots

Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 21 03 33

Screenshot 2020-05-24 at 21 03 41