
Debian patches and packaging for ungoogled-chromium


This repository contains Debian packaging and patches modified for ungoogled-chromium. Its purpose is to ease merging of updates from Debian's chromium package and managing updates between all Debian-based packaging.

This repository alone cannot build ungoogled-chromium. These files supplement those in the ungoogled-chromium repo. If you want to build Debian packages, consult the ungoogled-chromium repo.

Developer info

First-time setup

  1. Install GitPython (python3-git in Debian-based systems) version 2.1.8 or newer.
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Add the remote for Debian as upstream:
git remote add upstream https://salsa.debian.org/chromium-team/chromium.git

Guidelines for making changes

  • Any changes to debian directory files should be made in this repo and "pushed" (via sync_debian_repo.py) to ungoogled-chromium
  • Any changes to patches should be made in ungoogled-chromium and "pulled" (via sync_debian_repo.py) into this one.
  • Submit a Pull Request to the repository that was modified first. Then, submit another Pull Request for the second repository after the first Pull Request has been merged.

Updating branches

There are two kinds of branches in this repository: primary branches, and secondary branches. They can be distinguished by the inclusion or exclusion of the file packaging_parent from the root of the branch's file tree. packaging_parent is a text file that contains the name of a branch's parent branch, without the ungoogled_ prefix. Remote branches, such as those from Debian, are not tracked here.

  • A primary branch is a branch that is used as a base for secondary branches; i.e. it does not contain packaging_parent. It also depends on the upstream branch with the latest changes; e.g. ungoogled_debian_buster depends on upstream/master.
  • A secondary branch is a branch that has a packaging_parent file. It may also have one or more additional dependencies on an upstream branch, e.g. upstream/stretch for ungoogled_debian_stretch.

Updating a primary branch

These instructions will update ungoogled_debian_buster.

  1. Start out by updating the primary branch: git checkout ungoogled_debian_buster
  2. From ungoogled-chromium repo: ./devutils/sync_debian_repo.py push debian_buster path/to/ungoogled-chromium-debian
  3. Commit the new changes
  4. Pull latest changes for Debian buster (this is currently master): git pull upstream master
  5. Merge changes into other branches as necessary (see Updating a secondary branch)
  6. From ungoogled-chromium repo: ./devutils/sync_debian_repo.py pull path/to/ungoogled-chromium-debian

Updating a secondary branch

These instructions will update ungoogled_debian_stretch.

  1. git checkout ungoogled_debian_stretch
  2. From ungoogled-chromium repo: ./devutils/sync_debian_repo.py push debian_stretch path/to/ungoogled-chromium-debian
  3. Commit the changes
  4. git merge ungoogled_debian_buster
  5. git pull upstream stretch

Adding a new branch

To add either a primary or secondary branch:

  1. Create a new branch that forks off an existing branch with code that is closest to the desired code.
  2. Give the branch a name of the format ungoogled_DISTRO_CODENAME. For example, Ubuntu 18.10 (cosmic) should have a branch name ungoogled_ubuntu_cosmic.
  3. Make the necessary changes and commit
  4. Submit a Pull Request for your new branch to the branch it is based off of. In the Pull Request, specify the new branch name that should be created. (This is necessary because GitHub doesn't support the creation of branches via PRs)
  5. Once the PR above is merged, run the following from the ungoogled-chromium repo: ./devutils/sync_debian_repo.py pull path/to/ungoogled-chromium-debian
  6. Submit a PR for the changes made in ungoogled-chromium.

Branch info

Current branches and their dependencies:

  • ungoogled_debian_buster: upstream/master
  • ungoogled_debian_stretch: ungoogled_debian_buster, upstream/stretch
  • ungoogled_debian_minimal: ungoogled_debian_buster
  • ungoogled_ubuntu_bionic: ungoogled_debian_buster

All branches with the ungoogled_ prefix correspond to a:

  • packaging type without the prefix
  • subdirectory of patches/ without the prefix


Contribution guidelines are the same as ungoogled-chromium.

Submit PRs to this repository for every packaging type that should be updated.