
log for #100DaysofML routine.

d0 May 3, 2020

setup complete. most of the code will be uploaded at riyadhrazzaq/pywork or at kaggle/riyadhrazzaq

d1 May 7, 2020

Read up on Decision Tree Regressor theory. https://www.saedsayad.com/decision_tree_reg.htm

d2 May 8, 2020

Stuck in implementation of Decision Tree Regressor. will updated if completed.

d3 May 10, 2020

Decision Tree Regressor Implementation. SCRIPT THEORY

d4 May 13, 2020

Decision Tree Classifier implementation. [SCRIPT] [theory]

d5 May 15, 2020

SVM Theory [theory]

d6 May 18, 2020

Quadratic Optimization for SVM, resources-

d7 May 19, 2020

SVM Implementation(binary, linear kernel) [theory] [SCRIPT]

Quadratic Programming code/format taken from https://pythonprogramming.net/soft-margin-kernel-cvxopt-svm-machine-learning-tutorial/ , they have credited http://mblondel.org/ for the original code.

d8 June 1, 2020

Netflix Dataset EDA

d9 June 5, 2020

Netflix EDA Complete

d10 June 6, 2020

Netflix Recommender. Cosine Similarity with Word Embedding, TfIdf.

d11 June 7, 2020

Netflix titles analysis and recommender based on clustering. [NOTEBOOK]

d12 June 8, 2020

Collaborative Filtering with SGD. [THEORY]

d13 June 9, 2020

Spent the whole day trying to fix CF w/ SGD implementation from scratch. I made a mistake in SGD. Will fix later in sha Allah.

d14 June 11, 2020

As I was stuck because of simple SGD implementation, I realized I need backward propagation for a minute. Here is Linear Regression

w/ Gradient Descent [NOTEBOOK]

w/ Stochastic Gradient Descent [SCRIPT]

d15 June 13, 2020

Non-negative Matrix Factorization w/ SGD. [NOTEBOOK]

d16 June 15, 2020

Ridge Regression. [SCRIPT]

d17 June 29, 2020

Lasso Regression [NOTEBOOK] This implementation is really buggy. But I did not understand the theory clearly to code further. Maybe later, in sha Allah.

d18 July 1, 2020

Gaussian Naive Bayes [NOTEBOOK]. Really proud of this implementation. Spent the whole day on Bayes Theorem, Normal Distribution. 3Blue1Brown's video on Bayes Theorem helped the most. Never seen such an intuitive video about probability. This is the first code in ML that I have written had the lowest number of bugs. 1, actually. Forgot to add tmp+=1 inside function def predict() in class GaussNB

d19 July 3, 2020

Multinomial Naive Bayes implementation. Can't fix a bug.

d20 July 5, 2020

This gave a lot of trouble. Lesson learned- read the theory from multiple sources if possible, even after you understand it. Multinomial NB implementation complete. [NOTEBOOk] with Spam Classification. [SCRIPT]

d21 July 7, 2020

Logistic Regression theory from ISLR and ESL. Plan to read this too.

d22 July 9, 2020

Logistic Regression from Scratch using Batch Gradient Descent. [NOTEBOOK]

d23 July 11, 2020

Linear Algebra [MITOPENCOURSEWARE]. EDA. will post link if I work on it further.

d24 July 13, 2020

ICU Prediction of COVID-19 Patients. [NOTEBOOK]

d25 July 14, 2020

Linear Regression, Python for Data Analysis exercises on Pandas.

d26 July 25, 2020

Cross Validation. Notebook on DrivenData competition DengAI

d27 July 26, 2020

Bagging, Random Forest, DengAI, Boosting(AdaBoost)

d28 July 29, 2020

Best Subset Selection notebook partially done. Practiced few sections from Python for Data Analysis, Wes McKinney.

d29 July 31, 2020

Best Subset complete. [NOTEBOOK]

d30 Aug 3, 2020

Hyperparameter tuning with RandomSearchCV from scratch. [NOTEBOOK]

d31 Aug 4, 2020

Handling Multiclass Classification with 1vsRest, 1vs1 from scratch. [NOTEBOOK]

d32 Aug 6, 2020

House Price Revisited.

d33 Aug 8, 2020

Hierarchical Clustering. Theory from ISLR book. Code partially done.

d34 Aug 9, 2020

Hierarchical Clustering - Agglomerative approach, code complete for linkage types: single, complete.

d35 Sept 1, 2020

Feature Preprocessing and feature generation review. Currently reading chapter 4 of ILA by Prof. G. Strang.