
supply chain implementation with blockchain traceability

Primary LanguageSolidity

Supply Chain traceability with blockchain

Problem to be solved:

  • How to trace the origin of a product?
  • Expiration date of a product?
  • Error in the supply chain?
  • Invalid Source?
  • Lack of transparency?
  • Seamless communication between the supply chain partners?
  • Authentication of the product?
  • Accurate information about the product?

App description:

  • App Layer:
    • Producer
    • Distributor
    • Retailer
    • Consumer
  • Blockchain Layer:
    • Trading System
    • Review System
    • Smart Contracts
  • Infrastructure Layer:
    • IPFS
    • blockchain node connection
    • Kubernetes
    • Serverless functions
    • Cloud storage

System Architecture: System Architecture

App Roles:

  • Admin

    • Create new user and assign roles
    • Edit user details
    • Delete user
    • View user details
    • Audit user activities
  • Producer

    • Register Product
    • Update Product
    • Delete Product
    • View Product
    • View All Products
    • Sell Product
  • Processor

    • View Product
    • View All Products
    • Buy Product
    • Sell Product
    • Review Product
  • Distributor

    • View Product
    • View All Products
    • Buy Product
    • Sell Product
  • Retailer

    • View Product
    • View All Products
    • Buy Product
    • Sell Product
    • Return Product
  • Customer

    • View Product
    • View All Products
    • Buy Product
    • Return Product
    • Review Product
  • Certifier

    • View Product
    • View All Products
    • Review Product
    • Certify Product
    • De-certify Product
    • issue certificate to producer
    • issue certificate to distributor

Example supply chain implementation with blockchain traceability:

  1. Food industry of Bangladesh
  2. Footwear industry of Bangladesh

Basic breakdown of the Food industry supply chain project:

  • Producer & Farmer
    • is the person who produces the raw product
    • is verified by the certifier
    • is supplying the raw product to the processor
    • is stakeholder of the supply chain
  • Investigator & Certifier
    • is the person who investigates the product
    • is verifying the product
    • is issuing the certificate to the producer
    • is govt authority, private authority or a third party
  • Stakeholder
    • is the person who is involved in the supply chain
    • is the person who is interested in the supply chain
    • is the person who is affected by the supply chain
  • Products
    • is the raw product
    • is the processed product
    • is the final product
    • has a unique id
    • has a name
    • has a description
    • has a price
    • has a quantity
    • has a date of production
    • has from whom it is produced, shipped, sold
  • Processor
    • is the person who processes the raw product
    • is verified by the certifier
    • is supplying the processed product to the distributor
    • is stakeholder of the supply chain
  • Distributor
    • is the person who distributes the processed product
    • is verified by the certifier
    • is supplying the final product to the retailer
    • is stakeholder of the supply chain
  • Retailer
    • is the person who sells the final product
    • is verified by the certifier
    • is selling the final product to the customer
    • is stakeholder of the supply chain
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npx hardhat accounts
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