LAPFAS (Laporan Fasilitas) Cibiru

Explaination 💬

LAPFAS (Laporan Fasilitas) is an application built to assist residents in reporting or complaints about existing facilities in the Cibiru area. Starting from anxiety and complaints that are often experienced regarding the condition of public facilities that do not meet expectations. LAPFAS is here to be a solution to overcome the anxiety that has been experienced so far. The LAPFAS application is connected to the API from DISQUS which can help residents to discuss a topic of discussion available to find out every point of view that the community has. This application is real time so that users can send complaint information anytime and anywhere easily.

The Team 🔎

Nama Social
Arfi Triawan Github
Nika Qisty Github
Riyandi Firman Github
Suci Sukmawati Github