
This project containes some sample dags for airflow xcom, simple bash operations, table creation in google bigTable using google cloud operations and last one is used to upload daily covid data on google bigTable.

Primary LanguagePython


Airflow pipeline to fetch daily new covid cases data for indian states and store them into google BigTable.

Setup Airflow

  1. first install Airflow in your system. pip install apache-airflow
  2. install google cloud dependency for this project. pip install 'apache-airflow[gcp]'
  3. check airflow version to ensure if it is successfully installed. airflow version
  4. create a airflow_home folder.
  5. then set Airflow path:
    • go to the folder where you created airflow_home folder.
    • open terminal there and set airflow_path using this command export AIRFLOW_HOME=$(pwd)/airflow_home
  6. then write airflow initdb. It will create airflow database, logs and unittest file.
  7. then create a dags folder inside airflow_home folder to store our dags.
  8. now to start server run the commands below:
    • airflow webserver
    • airflow scheduler
  9. now to go to localhost:8080 in your browser you will see some example dags there.

Note: If you face any sqlite related database exception while running the server, then run airflow initdb command again.

How to run project on local laptop

Follow the guide here to ensure you run correct main file:

  • first create a json credentials for google bigQuery api and paste them into config folder.
  • create a google cloud service connection inside your airflow.
  • create variable in airflow using the json inside config/Airflow_variables folder.
  • paste project dags inside your dag folder in airflow_home folder.
  • (optional) you can create dataSet and table on google bigQuery using create_table dag.
  • main dag files to run covid_19_statewise_bq_table.py.


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