simple_cli provides a Command Line Interface for the Cozmo SDK so you can evaluate expressions in the context of an active SDK connection to a robot. Run it by typing: python3 simple_cli
event_monitor.py provides Cozmo event monitoring. Type monitor(robot) to start monitoring. See doc for more options.
world_viewer.py is an OpenGL viewer for Cozmo's world map. Requires the PyOpenGL and PyOpenGL_accelerate packages (from pip), and freeglut3. (On Linux you can install freeglut3 via apt-get). Run it by typing: viewer(robot); type 'h' in the graphics window for a list of commands. May not work on Macs due to Tkinter brokenness.
cozmo_fsm is a Finite State Machine package for Cozmo programming.
genfsm is a preprocessor that converts .fsm files written in the cozmo_fsm notation to .py files that are ready to run.