Disbursement App


Topic: The user has a balance in the application wallet and the balance wants to be disbursed.
● Write code in Golang
● Write API (only 1 endpoint) for disbursement case only
● User data and balances can be stored as hard coded or database


endpoint list:

  • disburse (user_id [int], amount [float])
    • case:
      • disbursement success [200]
      • insufficient balance [400]
      • invalid request [400]
      • any internal error [500]

for detailed request & response please check Sample Request & Response section.


  • sqlite
    • data model & initiated data:
      • users table:
id balance
1 10000000
2 20000000
3 25000000

for table schema check here: https://github.com/rizanw/disburse-app/blob/main/internal/repo/db/module/schema.go

Sample Request & Response

success sample

db condition

id balance
1 10000000
2 20000000
3 25000000


curl --location '0000:3000/disburse' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "user_id": 2,
    "amount": 5000000


  "user_id": 2,
  "request_amount": 5000000,
  "balance": 15000000,
  "status": "success"

Insufficient Balance sample

db condition:

id balance
1 10000000
2 20000000
3 25000000


curl --location '0000:3000/disburse' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "user_id": 1,
    "amount": 20000000


  "user_id": 1,
  "request_amount": 20000000,
  "balance": 10000000,
  "status": "insufficient balance"

Local Development


Make sure you have installed all the following prerequisites on your development machine:

Local Run Guides:

To clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/rizanw/disburse-app.git 

To build and start the apps:

  • build the binaries:
make build
  • start the app:
make run

Unit Test

To run unit test

make test

Project Structure

  • bin/ is directory for compiled binary
  • cmd/ is the main program directory
  • files/ contains app files (including db & config)
    • file/db contains sqlite db directory
    • file/etc/disburse-app contains app config files
  • internal/ contains the whole logic of the app
    • internal/config is the config of the app, has relation to files directory
    • internal/handler is application logic interface between this app with client
    • internal/model is model business design
    • internal/repo is the repositories to fetch/store data of this app
    • internal/usecase is main business logic
  • go.mod the golang dependencies list