
simple RESTful API server with ExpressJS and MongoDB boilerplate on NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS RESTful API Server Boilerplate

This repository is containing free to use boilerplate!



  • add multi-roles / authorization


  • add secure auth sample
  • add jwt
  • add midlleware


  • initial creation
  • basic CRUD

Getting Started:

  1. Install the packages
    yarn install
    npm install
  2. Setup the env
    copy .env.sample as .env then config the variable
  3. Lit it up!
    yarn start
    npm start


├── index.js                 - ExpressJS application instance
├── src
│    ├── config              - any configs and variables.
│    ├── controllers         - application logic related stuff
│    ├── db                  - db related stuff
│    ├── middlewares         - middle service related stuff
│    ├── models              - models, scheme, data logic related stuff
│    └── routes              - web related stuff and handle routes
└── .env                     - environtment variables.

Tech Stacks: (furthermore read package.json)

  • ExpressJS just an amazing backend framework for Node.js
  • morgan to add some logging capabilities to your Express API.
  • helmet to secure Express APIs by defining various HTTP headers.
  • cors to configure Express to add headers stating that your API accepts requests coming from other origins.
  • body-parser to convert the body of incoming requests into JavaScript objects.
  • dotenv to store configuration in the environment.
  • mongoose an ODM library to make working with MongoDB easier.