
Personal doom-emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Table of Contents


This repository hosts my doom emacs configuration. This config is mainly inspired from Derek Taylor’s (DT) config. DT’s YouTube DT’s Gitlab This is only the configuration files. You first need to install Doom emacs (see prerequisites section).



You need to have Doom Emacs installed. See documentation here. Cheat sheet for ubuntu 20.04:

  1. Install Emacs
    sudo apt install emacs-gtk ripgrep
  2. Install Doom Emacs
    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs ~/.emacs.d
    ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install


This doom config adds a lot of useful package that makes the emacs experience better. It also allows toggle some interesting features such as:

  • dashboard 🖥
  • Neotree 🌴
  • Nyan mode 🌈
  • Emojis 😻
  • Fancy themes 🌟
  • Calendar 🗓
  • some other cool keybindings ⚙


Clone this repo in your .config file with the following command

cd ~/.config && git clone https://github.com/rizerkrof/CONFIG_doomEmacs.git && if [ -e doom ]; then mv doom BACKUP_doom; fi && mv CONFIG_doomEmacs doom

The command will clone the repo, set it as the configuration folder and create a backup of your previous config. Don’t forget to have git installed on your system 😉.


Do not hesitate to send me message if you have any troubleshooting with the installation or with the config itself.