
A really basic todo list cli application

Primary LanguagePython


A really basic todo list cli application

I was having a chat with someone on discord, and this is an example program that sprung up from it. It's not actually intended to be used.


Get your to do list:

python basicToDo.py list

The output is in format:

0: Task 1:	go shopping
1: Sitting:	be sitting

The first column is just an id, the second is your task name and the third one is the description. You can always specify a different file to use:

python basicToDo.py --file my_todo.json list

This works with every command, just make sure the command goes after --file. To add an item:

python basicToDo.py add "go shopping tomorrow morning"

If you want to name it something other than "Task N":

python basicToDo.py add "go shopping tomorrow morning" --name Shopping

To remove an item:

python basicToDo.py remove "Shopping"

You can also remove an item by id:

python basicToDo.py remove 0

To modify an item:

python basicToDo.py set 0 "My new description"


python basicToDo.py set --name "Sitting" 0 "Actually don't go shopping, covid exists"

To clear the whole list:

python basicToDo.py clear