
images using fonts from King Fahed Complex / qurancomplex.org

Primary LanguagePerl

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Quran Image Generator

These are a set of scripts that generate Quran page images based on the old madani fonts provided by the King Fahd Quran Complex in Saudi Arabia. They are currently being used in quran.com and its mobile apps.

This script outputs images, and also updates a database with the bounds of each of the generated glyphs (allowing apps to highlight individual words or verses).

The code is copyleft GPL (read: free) but the actual fonts and pages (in the res/fonts directory) belong to the King Fahd Quran Complex in Saudia Arabia


Following prerequisites are required before instructions below can work. I tried this on my windows box (no reason to believe it will not work on other platform as long as you use the right tools for this platform)

Required Packages

  • ppm install dmake
  • ppm install dbd-mysql
  • ppm install yaml
  • Go to your perl package manager and add 'Mojo-Log-More' package and all dependencies.

Required Software

  • Install MySQL server and tools.
  • Add mysql.exe path to system path (convenience)

Notes about following installation summary

  • If you installed dmake, replace all 'make' in commands below with 'dmake'
  • Note that there is no space between -p and password, e.g.: -pMyPasswor
  • Replace '< sql/database.sql' with '-Dnextgen < sql/database.sql' - otherwise you'll get an error. 'nextgen' is the database name.

Now you should be good to go with the following instructions

Installation Summary

perl Makefile.PL
make install
mysql -u root -p your_password < sql/schema.sql
mysql -u root -p your_password < sql/database.sql
mysql -u root -p your_password -e "create user 'nextgen'@'localhost' identified by 'nextgen'"
mysql -u root -p your_password -e "grant all privileges on nextgen.* to 'nextgen'@'localhost'"
mysql -u root -p your_password -e "flush privileges"

Docker installation

Install Docker and Docker Compose.

Build and run services (mysql and perl libs):

docker-compose up -d

To run scripts (see Usage section below) use the gen service:

docker-compose run gen /app/script/generate.pl --output ./output/ ...
docker-compose run gen zopflipng --prefix=comp/ ... ./output/*.png

Stop sevices when done:

docker-compose down

Note that mysql data is persisted on the host as a docker volume. You must set the --output option value to ./output/ to persist the output on the host machine. Any other output path will be local to the container.


generate page 50 with a width of 1300:

./script/generate.pl --width 1300 --output ./output/ --pages 50

generate pages 1 through 3 with a width of 1300:

./script/generate.pl --width 1300 --output ./output/ --pages 1..3


make sure to run the images through ImageOptim or through zopflipng to get optimized images.

zopflipng --prefix=out/ --lossy_transparent --lossy_8bit --splitting=2 --iterations=100 *.png

Ayah by ayah images

For generating ayah by ayah images, see our legacy branch