
A consistent and user friendly app that has User Authentication with Passport and Jsonwebtokens .App has other private routes for getting metadata info about a media .

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Koa.js Auth

Version Documentation Maintenance

Used Stack :

  • Node.js

  • Koa.js

  • Mongoose.js

  • Passport-Local

  • Jsonwebtokens

  • Supertest for testing API's

  • Docker for containerizing

  • AWS ECS- for deployment

  • Swagger Ui for Documentation

Installation Instructions
You must have the Node.js and npm installed before this steps.For more[Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
  1. Clone the Repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:rizikolik/Koa.js-Authentication.git

$ cd Koa.js-Authentication

  1. Install the app with the help of package.json:

$ npm install

  1. Start the server :

$ npm start

Documentation for Api is at the /documentation route. Now its ready at your configured port or at http://localhost:5000/api/


Deployed on AWS ECS @

Check collection with Postman :

Run in Postman


After cloning the app and installation process please run :

$npm run test


👤 Yunus TURE

How to contribute ?

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

Fork it (https://github.com/rizikolik/Koa.js-Authentication.git/fork)
Create your working branch (git checkout -b [choose-a-name])
Commit your changes (git commit-m "commit")
Push to the branch (git push origin [chosen-name])
Create a new Pull Request