
A sample implementation of simple cart library with JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


1. Introduction 🎬

Built with JavaScript, this is an implementation of simple cart library which has some basic functions for instance:

  • add product to a cart
  • remove product in the cart
  • list all products in the cart.

2. Prerequisites 💡

  • latest node.js

3. Folder Structure 📂

├── lib
│   └── Cart.js
├── test
│   └── Cart.test.js
├── index.js
├── package.json
└── README.md

4. Installation ⚙️

To setup this lib locally, you can follow these commands from your terminal:

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/rizkiadi23/sirclo_shopping_cart
  1. Go into project directory and then install the dependencies by executing:
cd sirclo_shopping_cart && npm install
  1. Run the unit test to see the sample output as sample:
npm run test
  1. See the test result in your browser (*Optional)
open coverage/index.html

5. Contributing 📝

Feel free to add some feedback. Would really glad to hear from you 🥳