
A boiler plate to develop custom widget (with sample custom widget) for your Salesforce Service / Sales Cloud console.

Primary LanguageVue

Vue-Salesforce Widget Scaffold

1. Introduction

This is a repository to show how vue.js framework used to build a salesforce widget, but you can use any javascript library to create your own widget (not limited to vue only). By using lighting container, we can embed the static resource (assets that developed in vue) to the Lightning component. The todo_widget directory is a sample of how vue.js can be use to develop the widget. You can create a new project by using this scaffold project (details in section 4.)

2. Prerequisite

  • You have installed sfdx to pull the metadata from your Salesforce org
  • You have installed node.js, npm or yarn & vue cli

3. Description of Files and Directories

The files and directories inside vue_salesforce_widget are common project generated by SFDX sfdx force:project:create The vue-sf-projects is an additional directory to ease the widget development.

4. You Can Create New Vue-Sf Widget Project!

Go to the vue-sf-projects directory by:

cd vue-sf-projects

Create your new project by typing this command:

vue create new_widget_component_name

Create a lightining component to host your vue project

sfdx force:lightning:component:create -n new_widget_name

After your vue project is done, you should build and then upload the assets to static resource (Please refer to Deploy The Widget Section) In new_widget_name.cmp file, add the lightning container element as below:

<aura:component access="global" implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" >
  <lightning:container src="{!$Resource.new_widget_name + '/index.html'}"/>

Add the new widget to your Salesfroce Page and you're done, yeay!

5. Deploy The Widget

Build your vue project by typing (make sure you are in the your-new-widget-project-name directory)

npm run build

After the build stage is success, Copy the dist directory to force-app/main/default/staticresources directory Change the dist folder name to your-new-widget-project-name Create new xml metadata for your new static resource named it as your-new-widget-project-name.resource-meta.xml Add this config in the xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StaticResource xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
    <description>Sample Apps created using vue.js technology, embedded in the lighting component.</description>

Push your change to your SF Environment sfdx force:source:deploy -x manifest/package.xml

6. Resources

Lightning Container Guidance

Salesforce Lightning application with Vue.js and Webpack