Release Party 2018

Web Project Release Party - TeaLinuxOSX : Dandelion

Server Requirement

  • Laravel 5.1
  • PHP v.5.5.9^
  • Apache2
  • Smtp Gmail


Cloning Repository

git clone {{REPO_URL}}


open your webserver database like example localhost/phpmyadmin then make a database named : release_party_2018 after creating database, open your project with cd {{release_party_2018}} directory then configure some file below

environment file : .env

copy the .env.ex to .env then open .env then edit on line below

Database Configure


change the {{DB_NAME}} with you database was created, {{DB_USER}} with your database user and {{DB_PASS}} as the password of your user

Email Configure

on this below configuration created is to make this Apps can do send Email to Participant


as like on above configuration, you must change all variable with your own

  • delete {{}} symbol, ex {{DB_USER}} to DB_USER
  • if your database user is root, change the DB_USER to root. ex : DB_USERNAME=root
  • always run php artisan config:cache after update .env file

Vendor Install

laravel build with the packages that use from vendor, for next configuration we must download the packages with command line below

composer install

after composer install we can see the folder vendor, and if you can see inside you'll see so many packages from many vendor. just go on, and you'll see the magic happen

Generating key

if you see .env file, that was line at APP_KEY= was empty value, this Apps Can't RUN when the key was empty, so you must insert the key value, just type command like below

php artisan key:generate

and cek file .env again, you'll see the key was generated automatically.

Migrating Table

in Laravel you can simply migrate the table that you was created on database/migrations folder to your own database, simply command

php artisan migrate

and you'll see output

Migration table created successfully.

this mean you successfully migrate your table to your database

Seeding Data

seeding data mean you insert data to your database table, config file on database/seeds folder, so if you was set the dataset on your table you can simply seed the table like command below

php artisan db:seed

open your database, and see the table record

Running Server Locally

php artisan serve

open in your browser localhost:8000