Boundary Census


The configuration file for the server is specified as HCL, below is an example config file that contains all the possible fields.

config "controller" {
  nomad {
    address = "http://localhost:4646"
    token = "abc123" 
    region = "myregion"
    namespace = "mynamespace"

  boundary {
    username = "nic"
    password = "password"
    address = ""

    org_id = "myorg"
    auth_method_id = "123"
    default_project = "hashicorp"
    default_groups = ["developers"]

Environment variables can also be used to configure Boundary Census

ENV_VAR Description
NOMAD_ADDRESS Address for Nomad server
NOMAD_TOKEN Token for accessing Nomad (optional)
NOMAD_REGION Nomad region (optional)
NOMAD_NAMESPACE Nomad namespace (optional)
BOUNDARY_ENTERPRISE Boolean for Boundary enterprise (optional)
BOUNDARY_DEFAULT_PROJECT The default Boundary project to place Nomad targets
BOUNDARY_AUTH_METHOD_ID ID of the Boundary auth method for the following username and password
BOUNDARY_USERNAME Username of the Boundary Admin
BOUNDARY_PASSWORD Password of the Boundary Admin
BOUNDARY_ADDRESS Address of the Boundary control plane
BOUNDARY_DEFAULT_INGRESS_FILTER Ingress filter to apply when creating targets in boundary from Nomad Jobs (optional)
BOUNDARY_DEFAULT_EGRESS_FILTER Egress filter to apply when creating targets in boundary from Nomad Jobs (optional)


To re-generate the mock used for testing run the following command:

make generate_mocks

Setup Local Nomad, Boundary, Consul

To setup and configure a local Nomad, Boundary, and Consul server use the following command:

shipyard run ./shipyard

You can determine the local addresses for the Boundary, Consul, and Nomad clusters by running:

shipyard output

These can also be set as environment variables with the following command:

eval $(shipyard env)


To run the server you can use the following command:

go run main.go -config=./example_config.hcl