
a simple Node.js module for basic CRUD operations using a JSON file as a data store.

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JsonFlexDB is a lightweight and versatile JSON-based database module for Node.js. It provides a simple yet powerful solution for handling data persistence in your applications. JsonFlexDB is suitable for a wide range of projects, from small-scale applications to large-scale systems.


  • Ease of Use: JsonFlexDB offers a simple and intuitive API, making it easy for developers to perform CRUD operations on JSON-based data.

  • Flexible Queries: Perform queries on your data using a flexible and powerful query syntax. JsonFlexDB supports both indexed and non-indexed queries for efficient data retrieval.

  • Async/Await Support: Leverage the power of asynchronous programming with seamless async/await support for all database operations.

  • Visualization: Visualize your data directly in the console using the built-in visualize method, making it easier to understand the structure of your stored data.


To get started with JsonFlexDB, install it using npm:

npm install json-flex-db


const JsonFlexDB = require("json-flex-db");

// New Feature
// Optional: Define a schema for your data
const schema = {
  name: { type: "string", required: true },
  age: { type: "number" },
  email: { type: "string", validate: (value) => /\S+@\S+\.\S+/.test(value) },

// Initialize JsonFlexDB with the file path for your JSON data
const db = new JsonFlexDB("data.json", schema);

// Example: Insert a new document
const document1 = {
  _id: "1",
  name: "John Doe",
  age: 30,
  email: "john@gmail.com",
const document2 = {
  _id: "2",
  name: "Sam Wilson",
  age: 32,
  email: "sam@gmail.com",
(async () => {
  // Example: Insert Document1 and Document2
  await db.insert(document1);
  await db.insert(document2);

  // Example: Find documents based on a query
  const results = await db.find({ age: 30 });
  console.log("Results based on age:", results);

  // Example: Update documents based on a query
  const updateQuery = { age: 30 };
  const updates = { age: 31 };
  const numUpdated = await db.update(updateQuery, updates);
  console.log(`Updated ${numUpdated} documents`);

  // Example: Remove documents based on a query
  const removeQuery = { age: 31 };
  const numRemoved = await db.remove(removeQuery);
  console.log(`Removed ${numRemoved} documents`);

  // Example: Visualize DB in a Console table

For more detailed usage instructions, consult the Documentation section below.


JsonFlexDB(filePath, schema = {})

Creates a new instance of JsonFlexDB.

  • filePath (string): The file path where the JSON database is stored.
  • schema (object, optional): The schema for validation (default is an empty object).


Loads data from the JSON file.


Saves data to the JSON file.


Ensures that data is loaded from the file.


Creates an index for optimizing queries.

  • indexName (string): The name of the index.


Finds a single document based on a query.

  • query (object): The query object.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the matching document or null if not found.


Gets the next available auto-incremented ID.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the next available ID.

find(query, returnKeys = true)

Finds matching elements in the data based on the provided query.

  • query (object): The query object used to filter the data.
  • returnKeys (boolean): Indicates whether to return the keys of the matching elements.

Returns: A promise that resolves to an array of matching documents.


Inserts a document into the database.

  • document (object): The document to insert.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the key of the inserted document.

update(query, updates)

Updates documents based on a query.

  • query (object): The query object.
  • updates (object): The updates to apply.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the number of updated documents.


Removes documents based on a query.

  • query (object): The query object.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the number of removed documents.


Gets all documents in the database.

Returns: An object representing all documents in the database.


Visualizes the data in the console using console.table.


Refer to the changelog for a detailed history of changes made to JsonFlexDB.


Contributions are welcome!


JsonFlexDB is MIT licensed.