
Primary LanguageRuby

Internal Wallet System


  • Based on relationships every entity e.g. User, Team, Stock or any other should have their own defined "wallet" to which we could transfer money or withdraw
  • Every request for credit/debit (deposit or withdraw) should be based on records in database for given model
  • Every instance of a single transaction should have proper validations against required fields and their source and targetwallet, e.g. from who we are taking money and transferring to whom? (Credits == source wallet == nil, Debits == targetwallet == nil)
  • Each record should be created in database transactions to comply with ACID standards
  • Balance for given entity (User, Team, Stock) should be calculated by summing records

To Do:

  • Initialize the Rails application.
  • Initialize the testing environment with RSpec and Guard.
  • Create the following models with the specified attributes and associations:
    • Users, Stocks, and Teams:
      • Name (required)
      • One wallet (through a polymorphic association using the STI pattern)
    • Wallet:
      • Belongs to a walletable (polymorphic)
      • Has many transactions
    • Transactions:
      • Source wallet (belongs to a wallet)
      • Target wallet (belongs to a wallet)
      • Amount (required)
  • Implement proper calculations for transaction kinds and wallet actions:
    • Deposit:
      • Amount without source wallet
    • Withdraw:
      • Amount without target wallet
    • Transfer:
      • Amount with source/target wallet
    • Wallet balance:
      • Target transactions minus source transactions
      • Zero if there are no transactions
    • Transaction validations:
      • Amount should be greater than 0
      • Before creating a transaction, amount should be less than or equal to the source wallet's actual balance
  • On Users/Stocks/Teams creation, create a wallet for each.
  • Initialize the frontend with StimulusJS, Bootstrap, and FontAwesome.
  • Implement the following frontend views and actions:
    • Wallet:
      • List owners
      • Create owner: creates Users/Stocks/Teams with a name
      • Show: displays balance and transactions
    • Transactions:
      • Deposit/Withdraw/Transfer.

Run this example:

git clone git@github.com:rizperdana/wallet.git
cd wallet/
yarn install --check-files
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
rails s