
iOS resources management framework in Swift2

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


This framework is a helper for instantiating resources such as Storyboard, Nib and Plist.

Install by Carthage

  1. Create Cartfile
  2. Add github "rizumita/ResourceInstantiatable" to Cartfile
  3. Run carthage update

How To Use


class StoryboardsManager {
    static let testViewController = StoryboardInstantiator<TestViewController>(name: "Test", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: StoryboardInstantiatorTests.self))
    static let secondaryViewController = StoryboardInstantiator<TestViewController>(name: "Test", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: StoryboardInstantiatorTests.self), identifier: "Secondary")

let testController = try? StoryboardsManager.testViewController.instantiate()
let secondaryController = try? StoryboardsManager.secondaryViewController.instantiate()


class NibsManager {
    static let testView = NibInstantiator<TestView>(name: "Test", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: NibInstantiatorTests.self))

let testView = try? NibsManager.testView.instantiate()


struct FilesManager {
    static let stringsPList = FileInstantiator<[String]>(name: "Strings", type: "plist", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: FileInstantiatorTests.self)) { NSArray(contentsOfFile: $0) as? [String] }
    static let dictPList = FileInstantiator<[String : String]>(name: "Dict", type: "plist", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: FileInstantiatorTests.self)) { NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: $0) as? [String : String] }
    static let textFile = FileInstantiator<String>(name: "Text", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: FileInstantiatorTests.self)) { try String(contentsOfFile: $0) }

let strings = try? FilesManager.stringsPList.instantiate()
let dict = try? FilesManager.dictPList.instantiate()
let text = try? FilesManager.textFile.instantiate()

Configure instance after instantiating

If you configure an instance after instantiate, you can pass a configuration closure to the instantiate method.

func configure(inout controller: TestViewController) {
    controller.message = "Configured"
let controller = try? StoryboardsManager.testViewController.instantiate(configure)


MIT license