
An application that allows you to run many different sites on one Django instance

Primary LanguagePython


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  1. Install the package
pip install django-domains
  1. Open settings.py and add middlewares into end of MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES tuple:

First middleware domains.middleware.RequestMiddleware is required, because it sets the request object into local thread.

Second middleware domains.middleware.DynamicSiteMiddleware is optional. You can use it for dynamical changing SITE_ID parameter corresponding site's PK with requested domains (see Django sites framework).

If you also want to use different templates for domains, add template loaders in begin of TEMPLATE_LOADERS tuple:

    # another loaders
  1. Run tests:
./manage.py test domains


If you want to use different template sets for each domains, just create directories with name domainname.tld (don't forget add TEMPLATE_LOADERS as figured in Installation) and put templates here.

Also you can use custom function that builds domain name. You must add DOMAINS_TEMPLATE_NAME_FUNCTION attribute into your settings.py and specify path to naming function.

Function must return tuple with path fragments. This fragments will be joined into full template path with django-domains.

Expect you call this function my_custom_template_name and placed it in my/project/utils.py:

Btw, you can access to request :)

def my_custom_template_name(template_dir, template_name):
    This function generates template path in format:

    from domains.utils import get_request

    request = get_request()

    return (template_dir, 'custom', 'domains', request.get_host,

Add into your settings.py this line:

DOMAINS_TEMPLATE_NAME_FUNCTION = 'my.project.utils.my_custom_template_name'