
Perl library for communicating with the Aspose.Slides Cloud API

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub license

Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Perl

This repository contains Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Perl source code. This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Slides Cloud REST APIs in your Perl applications.

Key Features

  • Conversion between various document-related formats (20+ formats supported), including PDF<->PowerPoint conversion
  • Download slides and shapes in various formats, including PDF and SVG
  • Merge and split PowerPoint presentations
  • Access PowerPoint presentation metadata and statistics
  • Find and replace
  • Full read & write access to Document Object Model, including slides, shapes, paragraphs, portions and many others
  • Support of Aspose.Storage API

New Features & Recent API Changes


  • New property "HttpRequestTimeout" is added to SDK configuration. It allows to specify a custom timeout (in seconds) for HTTP requests made by the SDK.


  • Removed shapeType property from BaseShape class; replaced geometryShapeType with shapeType property for GeometryShape.
  • Removed redundant ResourceUriElement class. All properties of ResourceUriElement type are changed to ResourceUri type.


  • New getSections, putSections, putSection, postSection, postSectionMove, deleteSection, deleteSections methods to add, update and delete presentation sections.
  • New postSlidesHeaderFooter, postSlideHeaderFooter, getSlideHeaderFooter, postNotesSlideHeaderFooter, getNotesSlideHeaderFooter methods to manage header/footer settings for slides.
  • Replaces categories for parentCategories & level properties in ChartCategory class to properly support Sunburst & Treeview charts.


All Aspose.Slides Cloud SDKs are licensed under MIT License.

How to use the SDK?

The complete source code is available in this repository folder. You can either directly use it in your project via source code or get CPAN module (recommended).


To use Aspose Slides Cloud SDK for Perl you need to register an account with Aspose Cloud and lookup/create App Key and SID at Cloud Dashboard. There is free quota available. For more details, see Aspose Cloud Pricing.


cpan ASPOSE/AsposeSlidesCloud-SlidesApi-20.09.tar.gz

Sample usage

The example code below converts a PowerPoint document to PDF format using aspose_slides_cloud library:

	use File::Slurp;

	use AsposeSlidesCloud::Configuration;
	use AsposeSlidesCloud::SlidesApi;

	my $config = AsposeSlidesCloud::Configuration->new();
	$config->{app_sid} = "MyAppSid";
	$config->{app_key} = "MyAppKey";
	my $api = AsposeSlidesCloud::SlidesApi->new(config => $config);
	my $file = read_file("MyPresentation.pptx", { binmode => ':raw' });
	my %params = ('format' => 'pdf', 'document' => $file);
	my $result = $api->post_slides_convert(%params);
	my $pdf = "MyPresentation.pdf";
	open my $fh, '>>', $pdf;
	binmode $fh;
	print $fh $result;
	close $fh;

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