
change mac address of linux ,ubuntu

Primary LanguagePython

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Change MAC addresss in linux ubuntu 18.04 :

A Simple Python script to change mac address of linux


  1. public wifi get unlimited attempt at full high speed(airport,indian railway station) via change your mac address
  2. bypass mac filtering
  3. some places required to register mac address to access internet(e.g. institute) bypass them


should be installed net-tools install with these step from terminal

sudo apt-get install net-tools

How to run this script:

open terminal go to downloaded directory and run : python3 changemac.py


  1. Enter MAC address to change your mac address
  2. Randomly generate automatic MAC address
  3. Show Your current MAC address


Enter mac address

screenshot from 2018-09-23 12-55-55

Automatic generate mac address

screenshot from 2018-09-23 12-56-12