
simple snake_game in pygame

Primary LanguagePython

forthebadge made-with-python


Simple Snake-game in python using pygame module


  1. python3 (sudo apt-get install python3)
  2. pygame module (pip3 install pygame)

Run and Play

method 1:

Go to downloaded directory unzip and open folder open terminal Enter- python3 snake.py screenshot from 2018-10-13 15-07-40

method 2

Go to downloaded directory unzip and open folder open terminal Enter- sudo chmod +x snake.py

run- ./snake.py

screenshot from 2018-10-13 15-00-16


  1. Save High Score
  2. Show current Score
  3. Show remaining attempt for eating food
  4. If food grasp speed then length of snake increase
  5. If unfortunately not grasp food speed then length decrease
  6. Score decide on basis of remaining attempt for each food
  7. Cheat Code : Press i for increment current score by 20 (i=increment) Press c for disable death of snake (c=cheating Enable) Press d for disable cheating (d=disable cheating)

screenshot from 2018-10-13 15-00-24

screenshot from 2018-10-13 15-01-38

screenshot from 2018-10-13 15-00-58

screenshot from 2018-10-13 15-05-21