InfraRed LED Controller is a simple project written in VHDL developed using Altera's DE2-115 Kit while we were taking "Laboratórios de Sistemas Digitais" (Digital Systems' Labs).
According to the key pressed on the kit's remote control the brightness of the 9 green LEDs of the kit is adjusted (either increasing or decreasing it).
The level of brightness at any time is displayed on 2 HEX displays and on the 18 red LEDs. The amount of green LEDs alight is also adjustable.
- ActionController - Used to adjust either the brighness of the green leds or the amount of them alight, according to the key pressed
- Bit4_7SegDecoder - Decodes the PWM value of a given instant (a 4 bit string) to two HEX displays
- IRReceiver - Responsible for receiving an infrared code
- LengthSetter - Sets the ammount of green LEDs alight
- PWM - Applies pulse width modulation to the green LEDs in order to control their brightness
- PWMCounter - Keeps track of the PWM value at a given instant, since this value is adjusted relatively to the value already present (either increased or decreased a unit)
- RedVector - Displays the PWM value of a given instant on the 18 red LEDs
- SRAProject - Entity which binds all the other entities together
By Sandra Moreira, Ricardo Jesus, Universidade de Aveiro