
Helping Tracy with BUSCO phylogenies

Primary LanguageShell

Pseudomonas BUSCO Phylogeny

Testing BUSCO phylogeny on a subset of Pseudomonas spp. genomes.

Download and prepare genomes

Make directory for analysis and move into it.

mkdir ~/scratch/pseudomonas
cd ~/scratch/pseudomonas

Make a file for the GenBank references of the required genomes and paste in the list of references and species names so that each is on a new line.

nano genomes.list

cat genomes.list

GCA_002905875.2 P_amygdali
GCA_002905795.2 P_avellanae
GCA_000007565.2 P_putida
GCA_000012205.1 P_savastanoi
GCA_000007805.1 P_syringae
GCA_000012245.1 P_syringae
GCA_002905835.1 P_syringae
GCA_900184295.1 P_viridiflava

Read line by line through genomes.list file and recursively download genomes from NCBI.

conda activate ncbi_datasets

cat genomes.list | while read REF SPECIES;
    do datasets download genome accession $REF --filename $REF.zip

Unzip (and then delete zip files), rename and copy genomes to a new folder.

for file in *zip; do unzip -o $file; done
rm *zip

mkdir busco

cat genomes.list | while read REF SPECIES;
    do cp ncbi_dataset/data/$REF/$REF*fna busco/"$REF"_"$SPECIES".fasta

Run BUSCO and generate phylogeny

Run BUSCO submission script on genomes.

cd busco

for file in *fasta;
    do sbatch ../scripts/busco_bacteria.sh $file

Using BUSCO phylogenomics pipeline generate concatenated protein alignment of shared BUSCOs and plot tree.

cd ..

sbatch scripts/busco_phylo.sh busco/

Download tree file SUPERMATRIX.phylip.treefile and view in iTOL.