Above Water

Deploy to Heroku

This is a simple app that provides an easy way to find Periscope broadcasts Twitter user.

There are two main functions:

  • List all of the user's Tweeted broadcasts in the last 24 hours
  • Go directly to the most recent Tweeted broadcasts

Shortcut URLs

Both functions are available as RESTful shortcut URLs:

  • /list/
  • /latest/

The 'latest' shortcut could be useful for a kiosk view or evergreen URL.

What It Does

I know you'll read the code anyway, but here's the basics.

  • Get @handle's 100 most recent Tweets
  • Isolate the Tweets within the last 24hrs that have Periscope URLs in them
  • Either redirect to most recent broadcast
  • Or retrieve Twitter OEmbed code to show a list of the Tweets

Ruby on Rails

This application requires:

  • Ruby 2.2.0
  • Rails 4.2.0

Learn more about Installing Rails.

Getting Started

You must create a Twitter app. It only needs 'read' permissions, and works with the app's token - not a user-level one, so no logins are required.

Set the credentials in your .env file or on Heroku as:



  • No tests
  • No caching
  • Hits rate limits
  • Minimal error checking
  • Very basic look&feel
  • Not super smart about multiple URLs in a broadcast Tweet
  • Limited by Periscope behavior
    • Cannot IFrame in a broadcast
    • Cannot currently view completed brodcasts on web - but works nicely on mobile!