
The IKE Project

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


TuneMaps is a music recommender system that uses geographical data to predict musical tastes and trends.


The web system requires a working Apache web server with PHP and MySQL. The chart prediction algorithm requires both Java and MatLab to run.

Web server installation

This project is built using the symfony framework. Installation requires several steps:


The project files should be placed in a directory on your webserver. The project's /web folder is considered the "root" and is where the application starts and runs. Say you have the following structure after checking out the GIT repository:

../[your webserver folder]/TuneMaps/

Then your application's URL will be:

http://[server URL]/TuneMaps/web/app.php/...

Default Parameters

Go to the following directory


And copy+paste the "parameters.yml.dist" file. Rename it to "parameters.yml".

Installing Vendor Scripts

The project requires basic symfony vendor scripts. To install these run the following command in the TuneMaps directory:

php composer.phar install


You first need to configure the project so it knows your database information. Edit the following file:


In particular, it is required that you fill out the database information

database_host: your-database-host
database_name: tunemaps
database_user: your-database-user
database_password: your-database-password

Database creation

Using the command line run the following commands from the tunemaps directory to create the database and schema:

php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Asset installation

Next you need to install the assets (javascript files, stylesheets and images). To do this run the following commands in order:

php app/console assets:install web/
php app/console assetic:dump
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod

Registring users

The system requires users to login. Since the system is initially empty you will have to register a user. To do this go to the following URL:

http://[server URL]/TuneMaps/web/app.php/register


You can now use the application by logging in at the following URL

http://[server URL]/TuneMaps/web/app.php/

Running chart predictions

All the chart prediction software is contained in the following folder in the github repository:


Running this software requires 2 steps:

Crawling new data

You have to run the java crawler application to get new chart data from Last.FM. This program obtains the latest information first and continues to crawl historic data. You can turn it off at any point and the progress will have been saved in the CSV data files. You can run the program as following:

java -jar ./chartprediction/TuneMapsChartCrawler.jar

Making predictions

Making predictions based on the crawled data requires MatLab. Make sure MatLab's current work directory is in the following folder (this resolve paths to data files):


Next, run the following command inside MatLab:



You're predictions are now done and will be used by the web application.