
Summer 2022

Primary LanguagePython

Make My Day


Students in a class get one question a day by email or SMS or WhatsApp from their instructor at a time of their choice (e.g., morning 8 AM). By taking few minutes every day to answer one question, they improve their skills steadily throughout the semester. The questions are relevant to what is going on in class that week. If they give a correct answer, the system reinforces their answer and gives them more details.Otherwise, it tells when why they are wrong and tells them more information about the correct answer. There may also be optional reading material on the question for the student to learn more.


Mysql commands:

Django Tutorial:

MySQL installation:

MySQL path for zsh:

Flower Installation:

Running with Docker:

Make sure you have docker installed

In the command line, make your way to the "makemyday" directory (the outer one, not the app) and run:
docker-compose up

The website should be on

Docker Setup with Windows

Proceed to website and install Docker for Windows: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/

Go to Windows Features on your computer and enable Hyper-V and Containers

If a message stating WSL 2 installation is incomplete pops up, go to this link https://aka.ms/wsl2kernel and
download the latest package.

In the command line, make your way to the "makemyday" directory (the outer one, not the app) and run:
docker-compose up

Running without Docker:

If the above method did not work, below is a more detailed alternative way.


create a folder and place the repository inside
python3 -m venv /the/folder/where/repository/lies
To activate virtual environment from the folder:
source bin/activate

Inside venv:

pip install -r requirements.txt
brew install mysql
pip install mysqlclient
python -m pip install Django
pip install django-crispy-forms
pip install django-tables2
pip install django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus
pip install celery
pip install django-celery-beat
pip install flower

extra step for Windows flower:
in "venv/lib/site-packages/tornado/platform/asyncio.py" type
import sys
if sys.platform == "win32":

Installing RabbitMQ on Mac:
brew install rabbitmq
rabbitmq-server start
brew services start rabbitmq
rabbitmqctl status
brew services stop rabbitmq

Installing RabbitMQ on Linux:

Installing RabbitMQ on Windows:

Running Flower:

celery flower -A makemyday --port=5555
url: http://localhost:5555/

Running the website (Mac)

The steps below detail the commands need to run the website for Mac. They should be somewhat the same for other operating systems.

Steps 1-4 are only for the email/notifcation system.
Steps 2-5 make sure your in the makemyday directory (the outer one, not the app itself).

  1. terminal 1: "rabbitmq-server start"
    This starts the messaging queue for the asyncronous sending of Email.

  2. terminal 2: "celery -A makemyday worker -l info"
    This creates the celery worker for handling emails to be sent out.

  3. terminal 3: "celery flower -A makemyday --port=5555"
    For debugging purposes

  4. terminal 4: "celery -A makemyday beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler"
    This is for checking the database for any scheduled emails to be sent out.

  5. terminal 5: "python manage.py runserver"
    Running the website itself