
This script reads from the local database. You'll need to have all of your calendars added and synced for this to work.

Install icalBuddy

brew install ical-buddy

Update path to icalBuddy in the script. To confirm the path, run which icalBuddy and update the variable called icalBuddyPath.

Set the calendars to read and write to. To get the UIDs of your calendars, you can run the following command

icalBuddy calendars

The readID and writeID can be the same thing if you want. I had originally made it so that you could write to a separate calendar so you could hide it and keep your calendar clean. Seems, though, that Google Calendar ignores separate calendars when people schedule with you, so this might be pointless now.


These are the variables you can update

  • blockedEventName
    • Be careful with what you name this. You'll want it to be something unique, otherwise events could get removed that you didn't intend to
  • daysToRead
    • How many days out you want the script to look.
  • icalBuddyPath
    • see installation instructions

Running Script

osascript block_calendar.js