|-- node_modules (not in repo)
|-- src
|-- dist (created when grunt prod is run)
|-- favicon.ico
|-- humans.txt
|-- index.html
|-- package.json
|-- references.md
|-- node_modules
all modules required for Grunt (this is added when setting up)
|-- src
contains our javascript and scss for this project.
|-- dist
contains all compiled JavaScript and css
|-- favicon.ico
is the basic favicon for the site - don't forget it.
|-- humans.txt
tells us who has worked on the project, who helped, and what technologies were used.
|-- index.html
is the basic page markup (distilled from the HTML5 Boilerplate).
|-- references.md
is a list of links researched to inform this template
Note: Please view README.md files within each folder for more info
Install bundler (if you don't already have it)
gem install bundler
Run (in this directory)
bundle install
This will install all gems you require.
|-- package.json is set to install the latest module versions compatible with grunt~0.4.1.
Run (in this directory):
npm install
This will install all the node modules you require.
To begin working on the project run:
If needs be this task can be run using:
grunt modernizr
This will build your custom modernizr file based on features you have used in your css and js
For new Grunt modules run:
npm install <package name> --save-dev
The flag --save-dev
will save the version number to package.json so that everyone has the same versions.
For new Compass plugins (or Ruby Gems):
Add the gem to Gemfile
Run (in this directory)
bundle install
Then inside the grunt file under compass, options add
require: '<plugin name>'
and then import it into the Sass file
@import "<plugin name>"