Kubernetes workshop


1. Install kubectl

To manage our Kubernetes, kubectl (the CLI client) needs to be installed. Choose the correct way for your machine: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/.

2. Configure kubectl

Now we have to configure kubectl to use our workshop cluster:

kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes-workshop --server=<server> --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
kubectl config set-context kubernetes-workshop-context --cluster=kubernetes-workshop --user=<username> --namespace=<username>
kubectl config set-credentials <username> --token=<token>
kubectl config use-context kubernetes-workshop-context

The variables you will recieve separately.

3. Go ahead!

  1. Start with basics exercises to learn more about kubernetes
  2. Continue with the advanced exercises

Execute the exercises on your own pace. You don't have to complete all exercises.