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5 Unit Test Errors
#24 opened by davewichers - 3
error msg
#23 opened by c295117485 - 0
As a an eBay SDK user, I would like to be able to download the latest snapshot version of the SDK from Maven Central so that I can stay on the cutting edge of new features.
#21 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to provide a content language to my creation and update requests so that I can easily sell on different eBay marketplaces.
#22 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
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As an eBay SDK user, I would like to be able to add Aspects to my inventory item so that I can handle variance correctly.
#5 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to create an inventory location so that I can use it while creating an offer.
#6 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to retrieve an inventory location by name so that I can use it while creating an offer.
#7 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to retrieve an inventory item group so that I can view what inventory items it encompasses.
#3 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to retrieve an offer by ID so that I can update it.
#8 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to retrieve an offer by SKU so that I can see if I already created an offer for one of my inventory items.
#9 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to create an offer for one of my inventory items so that I can publish it as a listing.
#10 opened by rjdavis3 - 2
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to publish an offer so that it shows up as a live listing on eBay.
#11 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
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As an eBay SDK user, I would like to query all of my existing inventory items so that I can see what I need to update.
#13 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to exchange my temporary authorization code for a longer lived access token.
#16 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to retry my request X number of times in the even of internal server error or API rate limit exceeded so that I do not need to write logic to do this myself.
#19 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to create/update an inventory item so that I can use it in a new listing.
#2 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to update an inventory item group so that I can group my inventory items by specific options.
#4 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
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As an eBay SDK user, I need to retrieve all categories for a given market place so that I can create inventory items with the correct category ID.
#20 opened by rjdavis3 - 2
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to refresh my expired access token using my refresh token.
#17 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to be able to download the latest version of this SDK from Maven Central so that I can avoid adding the dependency manually to my code.
#18 opened by rjdavis3 - 0
As an eBay SDK user, I would like to retrieve an inventory item by SKU so that I can see its current values.
#1 opened by rjdavis3