
@rjhilgefort's tmux config

.tmux config

@rjhilgefort's tmux configuration. Best used as a submodule in your dotfiles.


  • Modularized, broken out config with seperate files for seperate concerns
  • TPM usage, included as a submodule
  • OS specific configuration and condition sourcing of said config


  • TODO

    • Detail settings
    • Detail commands
      • Make table
  • All prefixed with Ctrl-f

    • Last used window: /
    • Last used pane: ;
    • Vertical split: v
    • Horizontal split: s
    • Previous window: [
    • Next window: ]
    • Choose session: Ctrl-s
    • Quick window: Ctrl-q


This setup depends on you cloning this repo to your home directory, and symlinking your normal tmux.conf to the tmux.conf within this project. There are, of course other ways of settings things up (for instance, I don't have it setup exactly this way on my machine). You could simply source-file {path-to-this repo}/.tmux.conf, but you would also have to change the paths there within. For simplicity, below is the advised way of setting things up.

cd ~
git clone git@github.com:rjhilgefort/.tmux.git .tmux
mv .tmux.conf .tmux.conf-SAVE # backup your potentially existing tmux config
ln -s .tmux/.tmux.conf .tmux.conf
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf


  • Check out sensible
  • Rename files, no need for tmux prefix
  • Conditionally include a gitignored user config file
  • Consider just making this a TPM plugin. Current advantage is drop and go setup for brand new tmux users. Multi-install setup that caters to both types of users?