
Open World GTA Clone block based top down retro game

Primary LanguageJava


This is an open world GTA styled game with retro isometric graphics. This is part of a collaborative effort.

Developemental Pipeline for upcoming features. A feature struck through is already completed.
  1. Basic graphics and generation engine
  2. Cars and increased interactivity
  3. Exploring other cities
  4. Hostile Enemies (like cops), Death
  5. Title how to play and high score screen
  6. Missions given by an npc to reduce cop coverage or provide items
  7. Gun's and other weapons. Currency to acquire it. Shops
  8. Soundtrack (programmatically generated) and other UX improvements

This is part of a collaboration where-
Rohan is the programmer, and Nick Villano and Viraj Joshi will contribute primarily with sprites.