In development/unstable.
MITIENer() class is now functional for named entity extraction (see demo MITIE.php file).
A PHP 5 extension based on PHP-CPP that wraps the excellent MITIE (MIT Information Extraction) library
It currently allows you to perform named entitiy extraction within your PHP scripts (other classes and functions to be added).
There are no pre-compiled binaries (yet), so you will need to compile from source. The installation instructions below are relevant for a Debian/Ubuntu box.
The library is based on PHP-CPP, so first you need to install php-dev:
sudo apt-get install php5-dev
sudo apt-get install php5.6-dev
(depending on which version of PHP5 you have installed).
Download and install the PHP-CPP-LEGACY library by following the instructions here:
Clone the MITIE-PHP repo:
git clone
And pull down the MITIE library which is referenced as a git submodule:
git pull --recurse-submodules
Edit these two lines in the Makefile so the config and ini directories point to your local directories (in the example below, I have PHP5.6 installed and will be attaching the library to the command line interface instance of PHP).
PHP_INI_DIR = /etc/php/5.6/mods-available/
PHP_CONFIG_DIR = /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/
Now build the project:
make && sudo make install
For named entity extraction/named entity recognition
$ner = new MITIENer();
$entities = $ner->getEntities();