
DataToQR allowes you to transform data into a video of QR-Codes, which you can then upload to Google Photos and have unlimited space.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

What is DataToQR?

DataToQR allowes you to transform data into a video of QR-Codes, which you then can decode later.

I got the idea from a comment by "Amanda Capsicum" on this Youtube video: https://youtu.be/y2F0wjoKEhg.

How to use this?

You can use the qr_encoder.py and qr_decoder to encode and decode data in the console. The other files can be used as a library, you can check docstrings for documentation and help.

The temp folder DOES NOT get automatically deleted! You have to manually delete it or set clear_temp=True!

CMD Usage

Files, folders or multiple files (separated with space) can be encoded by using qr_encoder.py. Relative and absolute paths are supported. If you want to pass kwargs, you have to create a .json file with the given kwargs in it and pass it.


See qr_encoder --help for documentation.



Encode a single file:

qr_encoder file.txt

Encode multiple files:

qr_encoder first.txt secoond.py third.json

Encode a folder to a given output:

qr_encoder file -o video/qr.avi

Encode a file to a given output with kwargs


  "information_opts": {
    "relative_to": "C:\\Users\\<youruser>\\PycharmProjects\\DataToQR"


qr_encoder file.txt -o video/qr.avi -k kwargs.json


Decode a video:

qr_decoder qr_data.avi

Dump the value of the decoded video;

qr_decoder qr_data.avi -m dump

Dump the value of the decoded video and show it:

qr_decoder qr_data.avi -m review

Decode a video with kwargs


  "base_path": "C:\\Users\\<youruser>\\PycharmProjects\\DataToQR"


qr_decoder qr_data.avi -k kwargs.json

Python Usage


There are documentation strings for most of the classes, methods and functions. A generic documentation will be added later.

In a nutshell:

Value Explanation
get_data.... Returns data based on your input
encode... Encodes data (creates a video) based on given data
decode... Just decodes and does not handle
handle... Handles the given decoded data


from encode import FileDataInsertor

if __name__ == "__main__":  # <-- IMPORTANT !!!
    # Encode a single file

    # Encode all ".txt" files in a folder
    FileDataInsertor.encode_folder("folder", "output.avi", folder_glob="*.txt")
    # Encode a string
    data = FileDataInsertor.get_encoded_data("My String")

How does this work?


The encoding works in four steps:

  1. Collect data
  2. Split data & create QR-Code images
  3. Create a video from the images

Collect data

Data collection works in two steps:

  1. Collect actual data
  2. Collect information about the data

The information is a JSON string. The actual data and the information about the JSON information will both be converted to base64-format. The information contains only the necessary information to handle the actual data. E.g. if you have a file, the file name and encoding will be saved in the information part.

The final data will also contain information about what encoder was used. These parts will be separated using a separator.

The collected data follows this scheme:

<actual data in base64><delimiter><JSON information in base64><delimiter><encoder id><package_delimiter>

Split data & create QR-Code images

The data will be split into smaller parts so a QR-Code can be generated. The QR-Code images will be saved in a temporary folder.

Create a video from the images

The QR-Code images will be put to a video using ffmpeg.


The decoding process simply reads the QR-Codes from the video and handles them using the associated decoder.