
Mochad is an application that allows you to control your X10 smart devices over the Web. Sensorflare-mochad allows you to move on step forward by connecting your devices with the cloud using Sensorflare.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

mochad is a Linux TCP gateway daemon for the X10 CM15A RF (radio frequency) and
PL (power line) controller and the CM19A RF controller. 

mochad stands for Multiple Online Controllers for Home Automation Daemon.

0.1.16 Fix "Could not find endpoints" problem.
0.1.15 Add support for 2011 CM19A.
0.1.14 Fix OpenRemote too many open sockets problem. Add shutters/blinds command.
0.1.13 Fix -d debug option. Add support for DS12A.
0.1.12 Add --raw-data option.
0.1.11 Fix xdim (extended dim) that only worked for unit code 3.
0.1.10 Fix major client problem. Commands from clients stopped working.
0.1.9 Add support for OpenRemote 2.0 with iPhone and Android clients.
0.1.8 Add support for Chumby application.

== Build it

mochad compiles and runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10. The libusb-1.0 development
files are required. To install,

    sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
    sudo apt-get install libconfuse-dev
    sudo apt-get install librabbitmq-dev
    sudo apt-get install libpthread-stubs0-dev

If you are building on a Beagleboard/Beaglebone (http://beagleboard.org)
using the native compiler, do the following to install libusb-1.0.

    opkg install libusb-1.0-dev
    opkg install libconfuse-dev
    opkg install librabbitmq-dev
    opkg install libpthread-stubs0-dev

The usual pattern for building the code applies.

    tar xzf mochad-...tar.gz
    cd mochad-...
    sudo make install
After installing edit or create the file /etc/mochad/sensorflare.conf and add the contents provided by sensorflare.conf

Please see http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mochad/index.php?title=Main_Page
for details on building for OpenWrt.

== Run it

Plugging a CM15A or CM19A should launch mochad. There no need to run mochad
by hand or run it from /etc/rc.local. mochad is launched by a udev rule that
matches the CM15A and CM19A USB vendor and product ID codes.

== Use it

Connect to mochad using netcat. For example, 

    nc localhost 1099

You can connect to mochad from another host by specifying the IP of the host
running mochad. netcat is available for Windows at

Everything sent by mochad appears on netcat standard output. In the simplest
use case, mochad/netcat can be used to see X10 PL and RF activity. For example,
run mochad on one host with a CM15A then connect to it using netcat from a
netbook. Walk around with various X10 RF remote controls and the netbook to see
which remotes work from various locations.

Sample output:

    12/07 20:49:10 Rx RF HouseUnit: C3 Func: Off
    12/07 20:49:10 Tx PL HouseUnit: C3
    12/07 20:49:10 Tx PL House: C Func: Off
    12/07 20:49:10 Rx RF HouseUnit: C3 Func: Off
    12/07 20:49:10 Tx PL HouseUnit: C3
    12/07 20:49:10 Tx PL House: C Func: Off
    12/07 20:49:17 Rx RFSEC Addr: 0x11 Func: Lights_Off_SH624
    12/07 20:49:17 Rx RFSEC Addr: 0x11 Func: Lights_Off_SH624
    12/07 20:49:37 Rx RFSEC Addr: C6:1B:00 Func: Motion_alert_MS10A
    12/07 20:49:37 Rx RFSEC Addr: C6:1B:00 Func: Motion_alert_MS10A
    12/07 20:49:37 Rx RFSEC Addr: C6:1B:00 Func: Motion_alert_MS10A
    12/07 20:49:37 Rx RFSEC Addr: C6:1B:00 Func: Motion_alert_MS10A

Everything sent to netcat standard input is sent to mochad. The following is a
brief list of mochad commands.

    pl a1 [on|off]
    pl a1 [dim|bright] 0..31
    pl a1 xdim 0..255

    pl a1
    pl a2
    pl a [on|off|dim|bright|xdim|all_lights_on|all_lights_off|all_units_off]

    rf a1 [on|off|dim|bright]

    st  -- show device status including RF security devices

By default, received RF X10 commands are repeated on the PL interface for all
house codes. This can be changed using the rftopl command (RF to PL repeater).

    rftopl *    -- enable all house codes (default)
    rftopl abc  -- enable for house codes A, B, and C. Disable for all others.
    rftopl 0    -- disable for all house codes. This is useful if more than
                    one CM15A is in use. Leaving both enabled will result in 
                    PL collisions and redundant commands.

Please see http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mochad/index.php?title=Main_Page
for more details on command and event messages.

If you want to debug X10 RF, or gateway raw frames to another program, you can
use the --raw-data argument.
See apps/mochad.scr for an example on how to gateway frames with misterhouse.

Another use is to simply be able to get all the raw RF frames to see if the
multiple copies received are identical (good), off by a few bits (RF marginal),
or nonsensical (bad).

    07/01 23:34:42 Rx RF HouseUnit: A1 Func: Off
    07/01 23:34:42 Raw data received: 5D 20 60 9F 20 DF 
    07/01 23:34:42 Raw data received: 5D 20 60 9F 20 DF 
    07/01 23:34:43 Raw data received: 5D 20 60 9F 20 DF 
    07/01 23:34:43 Raw data received: 5D 20 60 9F 20 DF 
    07/01 23:34:43 Raw data received: 5D 20 60 9F 20 DF

For examples of controlling shutters and blinds, see the following.


== Multiple controllers

The Perl program mochamon.pl shows how to monitor more than one instance of
mochad. It is possible to create a master home automation master which talks to
more than one X10 controller. For example, a mocha master could receive RF
commands from controller A then send PL commands on controller B in a detached

== Command line X10 control

Command line control is useful for controlling devices from cron or CGI programs.

    $ echo "pl a all_lights_off" | nc localhost 1099

More generally, create a file name x10cmd with the following

    echo "$@" | nc localhost 1099

Make the file executable.

    $ chmod +x x10cmd

Run x10cmd with command line parameters to control X10 devices.

    $ ./x10cmd pl a all_lights_off

== Web Interface

The cgi/ sub-directory holds a simple Perl CGI web application that uses
mochad. The  interface is designed for small hand held devices over slow
connections (not broadband) so the web pages are very basic and small.
No GIFs or JPGs are used. To accomodate older devices with limited web browsers,
CSS, Javascript, or AJAX are not used. The web applications has buttons at
the top to send commands to mochad. The remainder shows status information
for three hosts running mochad.

Please see http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mochad/index.php?title=Main_Page
for more details.

== Hardware

X10 controllers: CM15A and CM19A

Various X10 devices that have been tested with mochad:
    AM486, LM465 softstart, PAM02, RR501 (2 way), DS10A, MS10A, KR10A, SH624,

NOTE: CM15A macros and timers are NOT supported. For best results, use AHP
(ActiveHome Pro) to clear interface memory and disable the internal RF to PL
repeater. This ensures the CM15A behaves like a transceiver.

== Files

    *.c *.h     -- C source files
    mochamon.pl -- Perl program showing how to connect to three instance of 
                    mochad and dumping out the output to standard out.
    cgi/        -- Sample Perl CGI utilizing more than one mochad

== Acknowledgments

The Perl CGI scripts uses the venerable cgi-lib.pl copyright Steven E. Brenner.
cgi-lib is simpler and smaller than CGI.pm which is appropriate for small
embedded systems such as WiFi routers. 

For OpenWrt based systems, using LuCi would make more sense than Perl since
LuCi is already present in the system. However, the Perl CGI scripts work fine
with lighttpd on OpenWrt.

This project in not in any way affliated with X10 Corp. (www.x10.com). Do
not contact them about this driver since they know nothing about it.

== References

The following documents were useful in development of this program.

X10 Power Line Protocol


X10 RF including RF Security Protocol


X10 CM11A Protocol


Linux Daemon HowTo
