
This is an npm module for communicating with Blink Home Security System

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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This is a Node.js version of this python library. It allows to communicate with Blink Home Security System from a Node.js application.


npm install node-blink-security


const Blink = require('node-blink-security');

var blink = new Blink('YOUR_EMAIL', 'YOUR_PASSWORD');
  .then(() => {
      .then(() => {
        // see the object dump for details
  }, (error) => {


class Blink


  • blink.cameras - the information about all available cameras
  • blink.idTable - {cameraId:cameraName} map for further references
  • blink.networkId - network id
  • blink.accountId - account id
  • blink.region - region (e.g. prod)
  • blink.regionId - region (e.g. United States)


  • blink.refresh - get all blink cameras and pulls their most recent status
  • blink.getSummary - get a full summary of device information
  • blink.getCameraThumbs - refresh all cameras thumbnails
  • blink.getVideos - get metadata for the last 10 videos recorded
  • blink.getEvents - get all events from Blink server (e.g. heartbeats, motion...)
  • blink.isOnline - return boolean system online status
  • blink.getLastMotions - refresh motion events data
  • blink.isArmed - return boolean status of sync module: armed(true)/disarmed(false).
  • blink.setArmed(boolean) - arm/disarm the system; true by default
  • blink.getCameras - find and creates cameras; used for internal purposes
  • blink.getLinks - set access links and required headers for each camera in system; used for internal purposes
  • blink.setupSystem([system name or id]) - logs in and sets auth token, urls, and ids for future requests. Specify a system identifier if you have more than one system setup.
  • blink.getIDs - set the network ID and Account ID; used for internal purpose
  • blink.getClients - get information about devices that have connected to the system
class BlinkCamera


  • blinkCamera.id - camera id
  • blinkCamera.name - camera name
  • blinkCamera.region_id - region id
  • blinkCamera.armed - camera arm status
  • blinkCamera.clip - current clip
  • blinkCamera.thumbnail - current thumbnail
  • blinkCamera.temperature - camera temperature
  • blinkCamera.battery - battery level
  • blinkCamera.notifications - number of notifications
  • blinkCamera.image_link - image link
  • blinkCamera.arm_link - link to arm camera
  • blinkCamera.header - request header
  • blinkCamera.motion - last motion event detail
  • blinkCamera.updated_at - last device update date


  • blinkCamera.snapPicture - take a picture with camera to create a new thumbnail
  • blinkCamera.setMotionDetect(boolean) - set motion detection
  • blinkCamera.update - update camera information; internal use
  • blinkCamera.imageRefresh - refresh current thumbnail
  • blinkCamera.fetchImageData - get the image data for the camera's current thumbnail
