
Use a popup window to convert time zones and save to clipboard.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


Need a quick and easy way to convert time zones without changing windows? Use a popup window triggered by CTRL + \ (above the Tab key) to convert time zones actively:


Then press Enter or click the button to paste from clipboard in this format: Mar. 5 @ 4:00PM EST [Mar. 5 @ 1:00PM PST | Mar. 5 @ 9:00PM UTC | Mar. 6 @ 2:30AM IST].


  • Can be downloaded and launched from executable if you don't have AHK installed, then the executable can be saved in your shell:startup folder: https://github.com/rjmccallumbigl/timeGUI.ahk/blob/main/timeGUI.exe
  • As is, will handle EST + CST + PST + UTC + IST in that order. Time zones can be modified from the code.
  • The UTC offsets are also hardcoded, but the script can be modified to call the correct offset during DST hours.
    • Update: UTC offset for EST & PST is autuomatically grabbed via API.