
Middleman template with Haml, Compass, and CoffeeScript.

Primary LanguageCSS



Middleman template with Haml, Compass, and CoffeeScript. Comes ready with IE conditional classes, HTML5Shiv, body classes, jQuery (official CDN), LiveReload, and pretty URLs.

Installing / Updating

# Clone the repo as a Middleman template
git clone git@github.com:nikiliu/sauce.git ~/.middleman/sauce

# Update to latest version
cd ~/.middleman/sauce/; git pull


# Scaffold a project using Sauce
middleman init [my_project] --template=sauce

# Optionally remove default README and Git repository
cd ~/.middleman/sauce/; rm -rf README .git/

# Fire up a local development server (LiveReload equipped)
bundle exec middleman server

# Build a production-ready version of your app
bundle exec middleman build

File Structure

|_ source/
|  |_ images/
|  |  |_ sauce.png             # Sauce logo
|  |
|  |_ javascripts/
|  |  |_ shared/               # For any CoffeeScript classes, etc.
|  |  |_ vendor/               # For any third-party plugins
|  |  |
|  |  |_ _main.coffee          # Main JavaScript functionality
|  |  |_ application.coffee    # Imports all scripts
|  |
|  |_ layouts/
|  |  |_ _doctype.haml         # Partial containing DOCTYPE and IE conditional classes
|  |  |_ _icons.haml           # Partial containing application icons
|  |  |_ _meta.haml            # Partial containing meta tags
|  |  |_ main.haml             # Main layout
|  |
|  |_ stylesheets/
|  |  |_ shared/
|  |  |  |_ _colors.scss       # Color definitions
|  |  |  |_ _fonts.scss        # Font definitions
|  |  |  |_ _ie.scss           # IE styles
|  |  |  |_ _media.scss        # Media queries
|  |  |  |_ _mixins.scss       # Custom mixins
|  |  |  |_ _variables.scss    # General variables
|  |  |
|  |  |_ vendor/
|  |  |  |_ normalize.css      # Normalize
|  |  |
|  |  |_ _main.scss            # Main app styles
|  |  |_ application.scss      # Imports Compass and all stylesheets
|  |
|  |_ favicon.ico              # Sauce favicon
|  |_ index.haml               # Homepage
|_ .gitignore                  # Git ignore
|_ config.rb                   # Middleman configuration
|_ Gemfile                     # Dependencies
|_ Gemfile.lock                # Last verified dependencies
|_ Rakefile                    # Rake tasks
|_ README.md                   # This README

Adding New Pages

To create a new page, simply create a new .haml file in the source/ directory. The default index.haml begins with the following lines:

title:   Welcome to Sauce
layout:  main
classes: home

title gets translated directly to the <title> tag in the layout, layout selects which layout to use for the page, and classes is a list of classes, separated by a space, the <body> tag will have.

Sauce utilizes Middleman's pretty URL plugin, which will convert every new page file to have its own pretty URL. Example: newpage.haml can be seen at /newpage.

Publishing to gh-pages

Sauce includes middleman-gh-pages. If not using a custom CNAME, uncomment the relevant lines in config.rb before publishing.

# Publish a build to the gh-pages branch on GitHub
bundle exec rake publish