Project Instructions
To complete this project, follow the instructions below. If you get stuck, ask a question in the community.
6 steps
As a user of the script, I should be able to choose whether to add a new entry or lookup previous entries.
As a user of the script, if I choose to enter a new work log, I should be able to provide my name, a task name, a number of minutes spent working on it, and any additional notes I want to record.
As a user of the script, if I choose to find a previous entry, I should be presented with three options: find by employee, find by date, find by search term.
As a user of the script, if finding by date, I should be presented with a list of dates with entries and be able to choose one to see entries from.
As a user of the script, if finding by a search term, I should be allowed to enter a string and then be presented with entries containing that string in the task name or notes.
As a user of the script, if finding by employee, I should be allowed to enter employee name and then be presented with entries with that employee as their creator.
As a fellow developer, I should find at least 50% of the code covered by tests. I would use to validate this amount of coverage.
Extra Credit
To get an "exceeds" rating, you can expand on the project in the following ways:
6 steps
Menu has a “quit” option to exit the program.
Records can be deleted and edited, letting user change the date, task name, time spent, and/or notes.
Can find entries based on a ranges of dates. For example between 01/01/2016 and 12/31/2016.
If multiple employees share a name (e.g. multiple people with the first name Beth), a list of possible matches is given.
Records are displayed one at a time with the ability to page through records (previous/next/back).
As a fellow developer of the script, I should see test coverage of 85% of the code or better.