- Have various services in same host
- Shared resources
- Isolated services
- Isolated IP Address
This simple script is very helpful if you want, quickly, test some software in a chroot with totally isolation (mounts, network, user,etc), using some new technologies like namespaces. This is nothing more than one, normal, chroot but isolated.
I called "ship" to each of isolated chroot. And, is possible you have one or more ship/s running.
With this you don't need to install virtualbox, vmware, etc... ok, but you need install some packages :)
By default, Debian distributions don't have the option -p (unshare pid) and -f (fork before launching) at unshare, so, we need compile the util-linux package.
You change the ip's at /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts in the beginning, before your start. By default i use The next version must have this feature solved.
Now, the openvswitch support was release. Some configurations are needed on host (see below) and use the chrootmns script.
In the next version i will test/develop, first, in Ubuntu and after CentOs
- Run like a normal SO
- All services was isolated
- /proc and /sys are host independent
- Is possible have one or more network interfaces
- CLI to start/stop/connect in to chip
- run different versions of debian OS
- Portable
Developed and tested in debian and derivatives, only!
- Kernel >= 3.14
Add this repository to install kernel > 3.14:
> echo 'deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ wheezy-backports main non-free contrib' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
> apt-get update
> apt-get -t wheezy-backports install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64
- Debian/Ubuntu packages:
apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pkg-resources python-setuptools python-ipaddr curl unzip vim openvswitch-switch
easy_install pip
pip install ipcalc netaddr sh config
From Script:
sh install_me or sh install_me_ovs
Usage: shipmn [options]
create create new ship using debootstrap
status ship's status
start all start all ship's
start ship_name start ship
stop all stop all ship's
stop ship_name stop ship
con ship_name enter in ship
-> shipmn create webserver
-> shipmn status
Status all
webserver Not Running
-> shipmn start webserver
-> shipmn con webserver
You can find some use case in HowTo folder!!