
Magento module to easily add Chartbeat code to all your pages

Primary LanguagePHP

To install, copy the files in the repo to your corresponding Magento folders, then copy the following code into the following files:

1column.phtml, 2column-left.phtml, 2column-right.phtml, 3column.phtml
…just beneath the <head> tag:

<!-- Chartbeat module -->
<?php 	if(Mage::getStoreConfig('analytics/chartbeat/analytics_chartbeat_on')) {
		echo Mage::getStoreConfig('analytics/chartbeat/analytics_chartbeat_head_code'); }?>
<!-- END Chartbeat module -->

…right at the bottom

<!-- Chartbeat module -->

<?php 	if(Mage::getStoreConfig('analytics/chartbeat/analytics_chartbeat_on')) {
		echo Mage::getStoreConfig('analytics/chartbeat/analytics_chartbeat_foot_code');

<!-- END Chartbeat module -->