
HSL project to collect and share parking capacity information

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

parkandrideAPI Build Status Coverage Status

HSL open source project to collect and share parking capacity information.

The service can be found at https://p.hsl.fi/

API documentation can be found at https://p.hsl.fi/docs/


In both the approaches described below, the application runs in localhost:8080 after the steps are completed.

Without livereload

Browser refresh is required when frontend resources are updated.

  • run grunt watch in application/src/main/frontend
  • run application with env_local profile. Application can be run
    • from an IDE by running fi.hsl.parkandride.Application
    • from command line by running the packaged jar (non-frontend changes require restart)
      • java -jar application/target/parkandride-application-1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=env_local

With livereload

  • do the steps defined in 'Without livereload' with the distinction that application is started at port 9100, e.g.
  • java -jar application/target/parkandride-application-1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=9100 --spring.profiles.active=env_local
  • install nginx and configure it as described in etc/nginx.conf. It routes
    • /api requests to localhost:9100
    • other requests to localhost:9000 (grunt-connect listens at this port)


Environment profiles

Application is started with a single environment profile. Any features required by the environment, are triggered in the environment profile by adding feature profiles under property spring.profiles.include.

Profile Description
env_local development with H2
env_local_psql development with postgres
env_gocd e2e testing in gocd environment
env_travis e2e testing in travis environment
env_test test deployment in aws
env_demo demo deployment in aws

Feature profiles

Profile Description
dev adds application/src/main/frontend/build as webapp resource
dev_api brings up DevController
psql postgres is used instead of the default H2

Postgresql initialization

Schema and default test-user (liipi) can be installed on running Postgresql with etc/scripts/db/psql-init-db.sh. See the file for example usage.


Copyright © 2015 HSL

The source code of this program is dual-licensed under the EUPL v1.2 and AGPLv3 licenses.

The data hosted in this service is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license.