If you wish to use this VIM setup you can clone it to your ~/.vim directory
git clone git://github.com/rjorgenson/vimfiles.git ~/.vim
or preferrable fork this repo and clone your own git repo, that way you can make and track any changes that you make.
link the included vimrc to your home directory
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
populate the git submodules contained (plugins)
cd ~/.vim && git submodules init && git submodules update
and configure any plugins that require configuration
Create a localized tmp directory for storing backup, swap, and undo files. This directory will be ignored by git.
mkdir ~/.vim/tmp
Plugins are handles by Vundle. This plugin is installed with the initial git submodules init && git submodules update. After that all plugins can be installed by updating the .vimrc file. Vundle documentation can be found here - https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim
To initialize the plugins already configured run the following from the command line
vim +BundleInstall
command-t requires ruby be installed on your system and that vim was compiled with ruby support. You can verify that ruby is installed with
ruby --version
and that vim was compiled with ruby support with
vim --version
Once you have verified this go into the command-t directory
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t
and compile the program
rake make
Now just launch vim and t (\t) with this config will open the command-t file chooser.