This repository contains information I have discovered about the API used by Timeguard's Supplymaster application. This is typically used to control Timeguard's FSTWIFI Wi-Fi Controlled Fused Spur
If you want to be able to control the device locally without Internet access take a look at the amazing work by Andrey Yantsen in this project: timeguard-mqtt
This information is un-official and is not endorsed or associated with Timeguard Limited in any way shape or form.
This information has been gathered legally using the Supplymaster Android application and Charles Proxy.
This information has been captured to aid my own personal efforts to automate scheduling of my FSTWIFI device for Octopus Agile
The information is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the informations or the use or mis-used or other dealings in the information.
Language | URL | Status |
Python | | Under development |
If you want to be able to control the device locally without Internet access take a look at the amazing work by Andrey Yantsen in this project: timeguard-mqtt
If you discover new information, updates of mistakes please do feel free to fork this and enhance it for the benefit of everyone
This is required in order to obtain a token that you can then use to make further requests
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "username=${TG_USERNAME}&password=${TG_PASSWORD}" -X PUT "" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": {
"user": {
"id": "12345",
"username": "redacted",
"email": "redacted",
"add_time": "2019-07-03 16:22:14",
"token": "redacted",
"token_add_time": "2020-07-04 21:58:18",
"is_sub_account": 0
"wifi_box": [
"device_id": "0123456789",
"name": "My Device",
"online": "1"
"error_code": 0
Grab the user_id, token as they are needed to make other requests.
You can also grab the device_id to save having to request a list of all devices.
export TG_TOKEN='redacted'
export TG_USER_ID='12345'
export TG_DEVICE_ID='0123456789'
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -X GET "${TG_USER_ID}/is_sub_user/0/token/${TG_TOKEN}" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": [
"device_id": "0123456789",
"name": "My Device",
"online": "1",
"codeversion": "4190117051001",
"relay": "1",
"work_mode": "0",
"advance": "0",
"main_relay": {
"loaded": "1",
"work_status": "0"
"error_code": 0
The Map shown in the output represents the day of the week.
Map | Day |
0 | Sunday |
1 | Monday |
2 | Tuesday |
3 | Wednesday |
4 | Thursday |
5 | Friday |
6 | Saturday |
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -X GET "${TG_USER_ID}/wifi_box_id/${TG_DEVICE_ID}/token/${TG_TOKEN}" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": {
"relay": "1",
"time_zone": "0",
"pro_index": "0",
"work_mode": "0",
"advance": "0",
"boost": {
"hour": "0",
"start_time": "0"
"holiday": {
"enable": "0",
"end": "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
"start": "1970-01-01 00:00:00"
"main_relay": {
"loaded": "1",
"work_status": "0"
"program": [
"end": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "08:30"
"map": {
"0": "1",
"1": "1",
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"start": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "08:00"
"end": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "16:00"
"map": {
"0": "1",
"1": "1",
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"start": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "15:00"
"end": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "14:00"
"map": {
"0": "1",
"1": "1",
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"start": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "13:30"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"error_code": 0
- Must start with a letter
- Must be betweeen 5 to 19 characters
- Allowed: Letters, Number and Spaces
export TG_NAME='My Device'
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "token=${TG_TOKEN}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}&name=${TG_NAME}" -X PUT ""
- A program is effectively just a schedule
- A device can have upto 5 programs (schedules)
- Each program can have 6 on/off times
- A device can only have 1 program active
- Deleting a program does not re-index existing programs
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -X GET "${TG_USER_ID}/wifi_box_id/${TG_DEVICE_ID}/token/${TG_TOKEN}" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": {
"choosex": "0",
"namelist": [
"id": "0",
"name": "Schedule 0"
"id": "1",
"name": ""
"id": "2",
"name": ""
"id": "3",
"name": ""
"id": "4",
"name": ""
"id": "5",
"name": ""
"error_code": 0
export TG_PROGRAM_ID='0'
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -X GET "${TG_USER_ID}/wifi_box_id/${TG_DEVICE_ID}/index/${TG_PROGRAM_ID}/token/${TG_TOKEN}" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": {
"id": "0",
"name": "Default",
"program": [
"end": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "05:00"
"map": {
"0": "1",
"1": "0",
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"start": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "04:30"
"end": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "04:00"
"map": {
"0": "1",
"1": "1",
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"start": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "03:30"
"end": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "07:30"
"map": {
"0": "1",
"1": "1",
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"start": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "07:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"error_code": 0
The Map shown in the output represents the day of the week.
Map | Day |
0 | Sunday |
1 | Monday |
2 | Tuesday |
3 | Wednesday |
4 | Thursday |
5 | Friday |
6 | Saturday |
read -r -d '' TG_PROGRAM <<'EOF'
"id": "2",
"name": "My Period",
"program": [
"end": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "08:30"
"map": {
"0": "1",
"1": "1",
"2": "1",
"3": "1",
"4": "1",
"5": "1",
"6": "1"
"start": {
"enable": "1",
"time": "06:30"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"end": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
"map": {
"0": "0",
"1": "0",
"2": "0",
"3": "0",
"4": "0",
"5": "0",
"6": "0"
"start": {
"enable": "0",
"time": "00:00"
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "token=${TG_TOKEN}&program=${TG_PROGRAM}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT ""
"status": true,
"message": "Set successfully",
"error_code": 0
Program index starts at 0 and is not always sequential if programs have been deleted Validate program index exists or it will display with Unknown Name and as soon as you make it inactive it will disapeer
export TG_PROGRAM_ID='1'
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "token=${TG_TOKEN}&index=${TG_PROGRAM_ID}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT ""
"status": true,
"message": "Set successfully",
"error_code": 0
export TG_PARA='{"name":"My Program","id":"2"}'
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "token=${TG_TOKEN}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}¶=${TG_PARA}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT ""
Work Mode | Name |
0 | Auto timed (use the active Period/Schedule) |
1 | Always Off |
2 | Always On |
3 | Holiday |
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -X GET "${TG_USER_ID}/wifi_box_id/${TG_DEVICE_ID}/token/${TG_TOKEN}" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": {
"work_mode": "0",
"holiday": {
"enable": "0",
"end": "2020-08-13 00:01:00",
"start": "2020-07-09 21:21:00"
"error_code": 0
Work Mode | Name |
0 | Auto timed (use the active Period/Schedule) |
1 | Always Off |
2 | Always On |
3 | Holiday |
Note: Holiday (Will only stay set if holiday return date is enable=1)
export TG_MODE=0
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "work_mode=${TG_MODE}&token=${TG_TOKEN}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT ""
"status": true,
"message": "Set successfully",
"error_code": 0
Turn on the device for 1 hour (non-configurable)
export TG_BOOST=1
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "boost=${TG_BOOST}&token=${TG_TOKEN}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT ""
"status": true,
"message": "Set successfully",
"error_code": 0
Turn on the device until the next scheduled off time
export TG_ADVANCE=1
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "advance=${TG_ADVANCE}&token=${TG_TOKEN}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT ""
"status": true,
"message": "Set successfully",
"error_code": 0
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -X GET "${TG_USER_ID}/wifi_box_id/${TG_DEVICE_ID}/token/${TG_TOKEN}" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": {
"enable": "1",
"end": "2020-08-13 00:01:00",
"start": "2020-07-09 21:10:00"
"error_code": 0
If you set enable=1 it will also change the device mode to 3 (Holiday)
export TG_HOLIDAY='{"end":"2020-08-13 00:01:00","enable":"1","start":"2020-07-09 21:10:38"}'
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "holiday=${TG_HOLIDAY}&token=${TG_TOKEN}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT ""
"status": true,
"message": "Set successfully",
"error_code": 0
export TG_START_TIME='2020-07-08%2020:13:53'
export TG_END_TIME='2020-07-09%2020:13:53'
curl --user-agent "okhttp/3.3.1" -d "start_time=${TG_START_TIME}&end_time=${TG_END_TIME}&token=${TG_TOKEN}&user_id=${TG_USER_ID}&wifi_box_id=${TG_DEVICE_ID}" -X PUT "" | python3 -m json.tool
"status": true,
"message": [
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "1",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 02:30:00",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 03:30:00"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "1",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 02:30:04",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 03:30:04"
"relay_status": "1",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "3",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 03:00:00",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 04:00:01"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "1",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 03:30:00",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 04:30:00"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "1",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 03:30:04",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 04:30:04"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 03:55:00",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 04:55:00"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "1",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 03:57:57",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 04:57:57"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 03:58:44",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 04:58:44"
"relay_status": "1",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "1",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 04:00:00",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 05:00:01"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "1",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 05:59:59",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 06:59:59"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "1",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 06:00:04",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 07:00:05"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 06:07:32",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 07:07:32"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "1",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 06:16:50",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 07:16:50"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 06:17:44",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 07:17:45"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "1",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 06:25:20",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 07:25:20"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 06:26:18",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 07:26:18"
"relay_status": "1",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "1",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 06:30:00",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 07:30:01"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "1",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 20:00:52",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 21:00:52"
"relay_status": "2",
"load_status": "1",
"change_type": "2",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 20:00:56",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 21:00:56"
"relay_status": "1",
"load_status": "0",
"change_type": "3",
"device_time": "2020-07-09 20:05:23",
"server_time": "2020-07-09 21:05:23"
"error_code": 0